Removal of up lesions.
About this treatment
This is for booking of your first treatment using Cryopen. any lesions that need a second or third treatment may be booked under 'top up' service. FOR MOLE AND SK REMOVAL, WE REQUIRE WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF THESE BEING ASSESSED BY A GP, DERMATOLOGIST, OR A MOLE CHECK. WE WILL NOT PROCEED WITHOUT THIS. WE DO NOT DIAGNOSE, ONLY REMOVE. FAILURE TO PROVIDE US WITH THIS MANDATORY INFORMATION MEANS YOU WILL LOSE ANY DEPOSIT PAID AND WE WILL NOT PROCEED WITH TREATMENT. A single session with Cryopen will typically remove most lesions such as skin tags, cheery angiomas, and solar keratosis. Depending on the size, type, and the depth of the lesion, futures sessions may be required. Typically, all lesions treated are gone between 1-3 sessions. We can treat skin tags, cherry angiomas, verrucas, and hyperpigmentation without any prior assessment or diagnosis from your GP. However, moles and solar keratosis' MUST be checked by your GP / dermatologist prior to attending our clinic. Large lesions are classified as anything over 5mm in size, and / or 2mm in depth. Small lesions are classified as anything smaller than 5mm in size, and / or 2mm in depth. We do advise that if you have any new, undiagnosed, and / or lesion that is growing, and / or changing shape or colour, that you do have this checked by your GP BEFORE making a booking for removal with CryoPen, as without this, we will not be able to treat you.
By continuing & making a booking, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to our terms & conditions. You must be over the age of 18.
Contact Details
39 Charles Street
Sebastian-Rose Medical Aesthetics, Charles Street, Cardiff, UK