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45 minute treatment facial, to gently brad the upper layers of the skin and remove peach fuzz.

45 min
From 50 British pounds
39 Charles Street

About this treatment

The Million Dollar Dermaplaning is a 45 minute treatment that gently abrades the upper, dead layers of the skin and remove 'peach fuzz' (the short, soft, nonterminal hair) from your face, in conjunction with Million Dollar professional skin care products. iCombines a pre-cleanse, deep cleanse, potion, pro-cept, dermaplane, lymphatic ice-globe massage, mask, i-Tx, bespoke serum, and SPF 50. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I HAVE A MILLION DOLLAR FACIAL? Care of your skin is an ongoing process, and cells typically regenerate every 28 days (this cycle gets longer as we get older). Professional, medical grade facials as offered within the Million Dollar System are therefore recommended every 4-6 weeks to maintain beautiful, healthy skin.


By continuing & making a booking, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to our terms & conditions. You must be over the age of 18.

Contact Details

  • 39 Charles Street

    Sebastian-Rose Medical Aesthetics, Charles Street, Cardiff, UK


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