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Acne Treatment

45 min
From 70 British pounds
39 Charles Street

About this treatment

The Million Dollar Immaculate Peel for acne are medium depth peels designed to improve the appearance of acne, quickly and effectively. Using a combination of Eliminate Peel and Million Dollar Mini peels, you can improve the appearance of your acne and skin dramatically. We advise an initial 6 treatments, spaced 2 weeks apart, for optimum results. As best results are seen with effective, clinical grade home skin care, we would also recommend this for you. You may choose to book onto our 'bootcamp regime', whereby you get the entire package, including SIX peels AND a dedicated, bespoke homeware system at a great packaged discount, by returning to the pervious menu. The Million Dollar Immaculate Peel Collection - Radiate, Eliminate, & Rejuvenate - can be used on their own, or part of a treatment program to help manage acne, uneven skin tone and the ageing process. Combines a pre-cleanse, deep cleanse, potion, pro-cept, peel, power product, lymphatic ice globe drainage massage,  i-Tx, balm, and SPF 50. HOW OFTEN SHOULD I HAVE A MILLION DOLLAR PEEL? Care of your skin is an ongoing process, and cells typically regenerate every 28 days (this cycle gets longer as we get older). Professional, medical grade facials as offered within the Million Dollar System are therefore recommended every 4-6 weeks to maintain beautiful, healthy skin, whilst peels are recommended every 2 weeks for 6 treatments (for an intense course and especially for treatment of acne) followed by once a month (this varies depending on skin type, tone, and overall treatment regime). An at home skin care system may be advised to work synergistically with your skin and improve and maintain your skin health and integrity.


By continuing & making a booking, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to our terms & conditions. You must be over the age of 18.

Contact Details

  • 39 Charles Street

    Sebastian-Rose Medical Aesthetics, Charles Street, Cardiff, UK


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